Cookie Press Giveaway!

Wilton Cookie Pro Ultra III’m still here, I’ve just been super busy with family and friends, specifically one that was in town from Australia! And I promise to have new recipes soon. In the meantime, a giveaway.

You might remember back in March I won a bunch of cool Wilton products. Well, one of the items they sent me was a cookie press, which is similar to one I already have. So, I’m giving the new one away. To enter, all you have to do is tell me about your favorite dessert ever, whether it was something you made or ate a restaurant–just give me the details! And while you’re here, feel free to tell me (anything you want) about yourself, I like to know who reads this blog.

Contest ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, July 5, 2009. One winner will be selected at random on Monday, July 6 and contacted by email shortly thereafter. Please note this contest is only open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.

Contest–Win a Silicone Brioche Mold

As I mentioned in the previous post, the folks at KaTom were kind enough to give me Brioche Mold a silicone brioche mold to give away to a lucky Nosh With Me reader!

To enter the contest, simply tell me something–anything–about yourself. I like to know a little about my blog readers.

Contest ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, November 23. One winner will be selected at random on Monday, November 24 and contacted by email shortly thereafter. Please note this contest is only open to residents of the U.S. and Canada.

And The Cookbook Goes To…

The lucky winner of Cooking Jewish by Judy Bart Kancigor is Phyllis of Ima on (and off) the Bima. Phyllis, I’ll be in touch to get your address so be on the lookout for an email from me!

Cookbook Giveaway!

I have been given a copy of Cooking Jewish by Judy Bart Kancigor to give away to one of my readers. Although it is a book of Jewish recipes, don’t worry if you’re not Jewish because really, who doesn’t love matzo ball soup and all of the yummy desserts I can’t wait to try!

All you have to do is leave a comment by April 14 and tell me something about yourself, kinda like we did last year. A winner will be drawn at random via a very scientific method of writing everyones name on a piece of paper and sticking all the names in a bowl and choosing one. The winner will then be contacted by email so please make sure your email address is in the comments. Also, this is only open to people who live in the US and Canada, unless you want to pay for the shipping yourself. (Sorry!)

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