Another Chance to Win Cupcakes

Because my last header image contest was such a huge success (thanks Maria!), I decided to do it again, this time for my baking blog. Here are the details:

Size: 762 x 190 px

Format: gif file

The look: I’m probably going to end up using the same template I’m using for my other blog, but with different colors and the new header. And feel free to use any of the baking photos I have on Flickr.

Colors: Totally open.

Text: Nosh With Me and One girl’s love affair with her KitchenAid mixer.

Deadline: Friday, August 4.

Prize: A dozen cookies or cupcakes. If I’m mailing them to you, you’ll probably get cookies as I haven’t yet experimented with mailing cupcakes.

Let me know if you want to enter!

Update: Send entries to nosh at!


3 Responses to “Another Chance to Win Cupcakes”

    jasmine on 1 July 6th, 2006 11:49 pm

    i’m interested in entering!
    i’m a new reader to your blog though, is that alright? 😡

    H on 2 July 7th, 2006 8:29 am

    jasmine, of course!

    jasmine on 3 July 7th, 2006 3:15 pm

    yippee! ^__^
    i’m not sure as to where to enter the banner so i emailed it to you in the ‘contact’ section of, i hope that’s okay! =D