Recipe Index

I installed a plugin that created a recipe index for this blog. You can now see a list of recipes by category without having to scroll through a big mess. I’m still tweaking the HTML and trying to adjust the spacing but hope to have it fixed soon. Enjoy!

I’m Still Here

I just haven’t tried any new recipes lately. However, I have gotten my baking business started.

I know I don’t need to apologize for the lack of new posts, but I feel badly when I don’t update this blog. So here’s a non-recipe update for ya. I know, total cop out post. Anyway, I’m hoping to try a new cupcake recipe this week and will post about it if it actually happens. (Life has been busy!) If I don’t get to it, there won’t be any recipes until after Passover because really, I have no new Passover recipes to try; I think we’ve found all the good ones. Speaking of Passover recipes, if that’s what you’re looking for, they’re over here. The matzo brittle and apple crisp are my family’s faves.

Have a good Pesach/Easter!

New Recipes Soon

I know, I’m long overdue for a post. I wanted to pop on and say I haven’t forgotten about this blog, I just haven’t had time to bake–fun dates with a cute-guy-turned-frog and a trip to NYC have kept me busy! I’m hoping to find time to bake this weekend, and it will probably be some type of cookie, so stay tuned!

Also, a quick hello to everyone who got here via the epi-log.

New Feature–Recipe Ratings


I installed a plugin that will allow me (and you) to rate the recipes I post. It’s simple–just choose the number of stars you think a recipe deserves, the rating will refresh, then it will display. Feel free to test it out on this post.

Before I add this to all the posts, I wanted to see if anyone notices any problems. I thought the page was loading slowly, but my Internet connection at home is all messed up. Let me know if you find any issues with it!

Mmm, Popsicles

There won’t be any new posts until the new year as I’m finally getting my tonsils out on Tuesday. It’s been six months of chronic Strep, and I am beyond excited to start the new year sans infection.

In the meantime, please tell me any of the following:

  • How did you find your way to my blog?
  • Have you tried any of the recipes I’ve posted, and if so, which did you like or not like?
  • Do you have a favorite recipe you think I’d like, and if so, please share it.

Happy Holidays!

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